Once a Sabercat, Always a Sabercat

Resepct. Integrity. Determination. Gratitude. Excellence

Late Start Schedule - Classes Start at 9:40 am - Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Attendance Information


Please review the updated

PSD School District Student Attendance Policies

  1. We can receive over 150 phone messages for attendance, and 100+ ParentVUE requests every day. Please allow 48 hours for attendance updates based on the volume of calls we are receiving. If you call in the morning, you may still receive an auto-generated call or email that same day, please know we are working on this as quickly as possible.
  2. To excuse your student, please either call our attendance line or submit through ParentVUE – not both. We are receiving several repetitive calls or messages for attendance. Attendance message line: 970.488.6270
  3. You do not need to come in and check your student out if they are going home for illness, appointments, or athletic activities. Please make arrangements with your student, have them inform their teacher and they can meet you outside where you are parked. Please make sure to call our attendance line to excuse them from the classes they are missing.
  4. All athletic absences will be entered by our athletic office. Once entered it will show as an “S” in ParentVUE for school activity.
  5. If there is a discrepancy with an absence for a single period, please have your student talk with their teacher to adjust the absence.

The FRHS Student Handbook states the following policies regarding student attendance:

  • Unexcused absences are days missed for any reason not listed in the excused absence list found in the Student Code of Conduct (page 11).
  • Any student arriving up to 10 minutes late without a pass will be marked Tardy Unexcused. (TU)
  • Students arriving between 11 and 44 minutes late will be marked Extreme Tardy (EXT) but counted as present for class.
  • Students arriving 45 minutes late will be recorded as an Unexcused absence.
  • Absences and EXT tardies must be called into the attendance office within 5 school days by a parent or guardian. Absences called in after 5 school days will remain unexcused
  • Students may not call in to excuse their own absences. Doing so will result in disciplinary consequences. 
  • Arriving late or leaving early: Parents need to call the attendance line to excuse the student.  
  • Make-up work shall be allowed following an unexcused absence and following a student’s suspension from school to provide the student an opportunity to keep up with the class and as an incentive to attend school. However, this work may receive only partial credit, as authorized by law.  It is the student’s responsibility to pick up permitted make-up assignments on the day the student returns to class. There shall be one day allowed to make up work for each day of absence. 
PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.