School Accountability Committee
Making the most effective decisions for the students and staff at Fossil Ridge High School includes parent and community input. We have a School Accountability Committee comprised of several parents, a few community members and a select few teacher representatives. The SAC serves as an advisory committee providing valuable input and recommendations for spending our limited Student Based Budget resources, for improving our communications with parents and community and recommendations for staffing allocations each spring.
School Accountability Committee Responsibilities:
Each SAC is responsible for the following:
- Making recommendations to the principal on the school priorities for spending school moneys, including federal funds, where applicable.
- Making recommendations to the principal of the school and the superintendent concerning preparation of a school Performance or Improvement plan, if either type of plan is required.
- Publicizing and holding a SAC meeting to discuss strategies to include in a school Priority Improvement or Turnaround plan, if either type of plan is required, and using this input to make recommendations to the local school board concerning preparation of the school Priority Improvement or Turnaround plan prior to the plan being written.
- Publicizing the district’s public hearing to review a written school Priority Improvement or Turnaround plan.
- Meeting at least quarterly to discuss whether school leadership, personnel, and infrastructure are advancing or impeding implementation of the school’s Performance, Improvement, priority Improvement, or Turnaround plan, whichever is applicable, and other progress pertinent to the school’s accreditation contract.
- Providing input and recommendations to the DAC and district administration, on an advisory basis, concerning principal development plans and principal evaluations. This is specifically related to the ability to carry out the SUIP.
- Publicizing opportunities to serve and soliciting parents to serve on the SAC.
- Assisting the district in implementing at the school level the district’s parent engagement policy.
- Assisting school personnel to increase parents’ engagement with teachers, including parents’ engagement in creating student’s READ plans, Individual Career and Academic Plans, and plans to address habitual truancy.
The Fossil Ridge School Accountability Committee will begin meeting in October. We are looking for 2 new parents of freshman students to join our team. Applications are posted on the School Administration page of our school website. If you would like to submit an application, please complete the form and email it to Mr. Barry by September 8th at
SAC Meeting Dates:
October 2nd, 5:30pm-7:00pm – FRHS Front Office Conference Room
December 4th, 5:30pm-7:00pm – FRHS Front Office Conference Room
February 12th, 5:30pm-7:00pm -FRHS Front Office Conference Room
April 8th, 5:30pm-7:00pm - FRHS Front Office Conference Room
Additional information about School Accountability Committees may be found on the Colorado Department of Education website.
Mark Barry
Fossil Ridge High School