Why are these exams important?
For all students and parents, we want you to understand that these exams reflect both the student’s learning and the learning of the school as a whole. We would love for that to be a true reflection of both. To make that happen, we need students to be in attendance and to take these exams seriously. We realize that testing is not the only way for Fossil Ridge to show off what an incredible school we are, but it is another opportunity to do so. We appreciate your support and if you have any questions regarding testing, please contact Dr. Sonja Gedde at sgedde@psdschools.org or 970-488-6336.
Please select the appropriate test above for specific information.
College Board Assessment Resources
Sophomores: PSAT 10
Freshmen: PSAT 9
Colorado Department of Education (CDE) Links:
General Assessment Information
The Role of State Assessments in Increasing Academic Achievement
TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 2025 - PSAT 9 (Freshmen) and SAT (Juniors)
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 2025 - PSAT 10 (Sophomores) and CMAS SCIENCE (Juniors)
All students are automatically registered for the grade appropriate test. Students should arrive at school by 8:30 am on their testing day. No classes held in the morning if not testing, and with asynchronous learning scheduled for each afternoon.