Once a Sabercat, Always a Sabercat

Resepct. Integrity. Determination. Gratitude. Excellence

2-Hour Delay Schedule for Tuesday, January 21st, 2025

Parking Rules & Permits

Parking Rules & Permits

Fossil Ridge High School parking permits are required for all students and staff parked on school property. FRHS parking permits cost $25.

Parking permit applications can be completed online (preferred)

Hard copy applications can be picked up and turned in at the East Wing Office of FRHS if a student is unable to access the form online.

Please review all FRHS Parking Rules and PSD Board Policies prior to applying for a parking permit.

If a permit is lost, a fee may be charged to replace the lost permit.




Please see Mrs. Reynolds in the East Wing for ALL parking needs.





Fossil Ridge High School Parking Rules


All students and staff parked on school property must display a valid and current parking hang tag (permit).

Police Dept., Fire Dept., delivery services, Poudre School District (PSD), and visitor vehicles are excluded from displaying a permit.

Falsification on a parking application may result in driving and parking privileges on campus being revoked.

Only one permit is allowed per student. If lost, a fee may be charged to replace the lost permit.

Permits may not be transferred from one person to another person.

Campus Security must be notified if a permit is lost or stolen. Notification must take place before a new permit can be issued.

Campus Security must be notified if there is a change of vehicle registration or if an additional vehicle is being added to a permit application.

Permits must be returned to the East wing office if a student has lost parking privileges, has been expelled, or has withdrawn from FRHS.

Moving another person’s vehicle to cause a parking violation may result in parking privileges being suspended or revoked.

Anyone found to be involved in a hit-and-run may have driving and parking privileges on campus revoked.

Offensive writing, signage, or gang affiliation items may not be displayed in or on vehicles on PSD property.

Students may not loiter in vehicles parked on PSD property during class hours.

Tickets related to criminal/traffic violations may be issued by the School Resource Officer resulting in court appearance, fines, or loss of points on a driver’s license.

Vehicles may be booted for an offense, and arrangements must be made with the FRHS main office for removal.

Vehicles may be towed at the owner’s expense for severe violations and/or when necessary to maintain a safe environment.

Vehicles larger than current parking spaces or that are pulling trailers on the property must have Administrator approval.

Disrespect to other drivers or insubordination to staff may result in parking privileges onto campus being revoked and further student disciplinary action taken.

Parking privileges on PSD property may be temporarily or permanently suspended for any violation deemed appropriate.

The speed limit in FRHS parking lots is 15 MPH.




Poudre School District Board Policies



When parking lots are provided on campus, all student-driven vehicles shall be parked in such lots. No vehicles may be driven on school grounds except in designated parking areas.

Student-driven vehicles shall remain parked while students are scheduled to be in class. No loitering in parked cars or on school parking lots shall be permitted during the school day.

The privilege of bringing a student-operated motor vehicle onto school premises is based upon the condition of consent by the student driver to allow a search of the vehicle when there is reasonable suspicion the search will yield evidence of contraband.

Refusal by a student, parent/guardian, or vehicle owner to allow search access to a motor vehicle on school premises when requested shall be cause for termination without further hearing of the privilege of bringing any vehicle onto school premises by said individual.

Each school is authorized to engage in routine patrolling of student parking lots, visual inspection of student automobiles, and the use of dogs trained to alert at the scent of drugs, explosives, and other contraband.

Principals may adopt additional parking and driving regulations as necessary for the proper operation of their schools and programs.



Each school retains the authority to patrol its student parking lots, and all vehicles parked in student lots are subject to sniffs by dogs trained to alert at the scent of drugs, explosives, and other illegal or unauthorized materials. In addition, the interiors and trunks of all vehicles parked by students at school may be searched upon reasonable suspicion that they contain items or substances which it is illegal for students to possess and/or items or substances which District policy or regulations prohibit from being on school property. Failure to allow the search of a vehicle's interior or trunk under these circumstances shall result in the student's automatic loss of the privilege of parking at school for at least the remainder of the academic year.


Any item found in the course of a search conducted in accordance with this policy and determined to be evidence of a violation of District policy, school rules, or federal, state or local laws shall be immediately seized and tagged for identification. Such evidence shall be kept in a secure place by the principal or principal's designee. If such evidence is determined to concern a violation of the law, the principal or designee shall promptly contact a law enforcement officer to pick up the evidence. Otherwise, the evidence shall be maintained by the principal or principal's designee until it is no longer needed as evidence in a school disciplinary hearing, at which time it shall be returned to the parent, guardian or legal custodian of the student from whom it was seized.

PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.