School of Choice
Application Periods and Directions
School choice policies:
Changes to JFBA Choice/Open Enrollment (effective July 1)
- The school choice application will remain open during the current school year until the first part of May.
- Students who wish to change schools after the school year has started will now follow the School Choice application process.
- Students who wish to return to their designated neighborhood school after the school year has started must follow the School Choice application process. Priority ranking 1 has been updated to reflect this change.
- Students who have moved out of their designated neighborhood school’s attendance area can remain at that school for all grades served without having to submit a School Choice application to continue at that same school. Priority Rankings 1 and 5 have been updated to reflect this change. Parents/legal guardians will need to provide transportation for their students to that school.
- If a seat offer is rejected or automatically declined due to no response, parents/legal guardians can reapply to the school.
Changes to GE Choice Enrollment of Children of District Employees (effective July 1)
- District employees who wish to change schools for their students after the school year has started must follow the School Choice application process.