Once a Sabercat, Always a Sabercat

Resepct. Integrity. Determination. Gratitude. Excellence

2-Hour Delay Schedule for Tuesday, January 21st, 2025

Alma Mater and Victory Song

The Alma Mater / Victory Song of Fossil Ridge

Our choir performs the Fossil Ridge Alma Mater at the beginning of all major assemblies, celebration events and commencement ceremonies. Derek Bestor, one of our graduates in 2006, wrote our school Alma Mater.

Through mountain pass black, silver, green

Walk proud and tall

Cross ridge and stream

We stand above 

The SaberCats will never fall

To hear the proud winds carry the roar

That always drowns out other calls 

Hail Fossil Ridge 

Memories and love behind us 

SaberCat pride we pledge to thee


Our pep band performs the Fossil Ridge Victory Song during all major athletic events throughout the year.

All hail the SaberCats

We're in the fight

We shall prevail

Onto a victory

Our colors proud

For all to see

We shall defend, Go Cats

Until the end, Go Cats

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